Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's All 3D

It's time to dive back into the world of three dimensional shapes.  In this posting I have put up a graphic visualization of all of the 3D shapes.  Please take the time after studying the shapes to then complete the worksheet to be turned in on the front desk first thing in the morning.  I do not care how the shapes are decorated as long as they are all different.  The lengths of each side are to be recorded next to the side it belongs to.       

Here is the link to access the worksheet:, which you will have to print off.  It should look like the graphic displayed to the right.  Parents the worksheet does come with the answer sheet option, just in case you are having a little trouble.  

This table show the examples that will be helpful when trying to complete the worksheet.  

Miss Miller

Get Your Rock On!

Hi everyone, it's me again!

For tonight's assignment I would like for you all too look over these few fun videos which review what we went over in class the past two days. These videos are not only entertaining, but will help you to remember some of the tricky concepts with their clever songs. When you come into class tomorrow I would like for each of you to answer the following questions. 

  1. What is the name of the longest side of a right triangle?
  2. What is the correct formula used when using the Pythagorean theorem? 
  3. What should you not forget when writing the volumes unit of measure? 
Try to have some fun while viewing these videos! One last thing is that I would like for parent involvement in this assignment.  Between my students and their parents I would like for you all to come up with your own personal song about the same two topics I gave videos for.  Have some fun with this and try not to rock out too hard! 

Miss Miller

Welcome Everyone!


     My name is Miss. Miller and welcome to my blog. This is my educational blog that our seventh grade math classroom will be using from here on out.  This blog is to be used to allow better interaction between my students, parents, and myself.  The blog itself will allow for open conversation and questions while doing homework.  As well as using this for posting important homework and or tips.  

     Parents, feel free to approach me in class or on this blog about anything that may be puzzling you while trying to help your student.  Everything is more complicated in today's day and age, so do not be shy.  Another thing is that I will be posting important dates on here as a reminder for parents, such as due dates, conference dates, or anything else.  I am always happy to help you with any concerns about your students also.

     Now that that is out of the way.... IT'S TIME TO BLOG!

Miss Miller